Thursday 1 March 2007

Internet Advertising Revenue topping more than $2.8 Billion
ad dollars are being diverted from the TV and moved to the Net where more of today's teens are spending are some hot meadia platforms. is an interesting site. It's gone from zero to 1.5 million visitors per month since September last year. Music videos that stream, videos that can be requested, message boards, giveaways, video interviews with performers and bands, video product demos, and on and on. A lot of the stuff isn't to my interest, but I can spot a solid creative business model when I see one. The level of interactivity and participation by visitors is impressive and progressive. Visitors with webcams can even upload their comments and join the content. So far, Levi's, Dodge and t
he U.S. Navy have advertised. Check it out.

Open Media Network lets you download, watch and listen to educational and public service programs. It’s smart Internet TV Media Network is a non-profit focused on making it easier to find high-quality video programming by innovative educational, community and non-profit organizations... they are the place to find and showcase video people care deeply about — video that informs, educates and engages the publicWatching quality programming should be as easy as turning on a TV. OMN downloads programs to your computer so programs can be viewed there, on TV via Tivo or on mobile video devices.
OMN’s Internet TV Viewer service features over 40,000:Free movie downloads ,Free video downloads, Free audio downloads .

Fuse is a network of Cablevision Systems Corporation, one of the nation’s leading entertainment, media and telecommunications companies. In addition to its broadband, cable, Internet, telephone and satellite television offerings, the company owns and operates Rainbow Media Holdings LLC and its networks; Madison Square Garden and its teams; and, Clearview Cinemas. In addition, Cablevision operates New York’s famed Radio City Music Hall. VIEWER :Ages 12-34 Active online users, early adopters of new technology and most inclined to subscribe to digital cable tiers and digital cable modems.

Guerrilla News Network is an independent news organization with headquarters in New York City and production facilities in Berkeley, California. Our mission is to expose people to important global issues through cross-platform guerrilla programming.To become part of the GNN community, just sign up for your free account and screen-name on the top right-hand corner of the homepage. You will be asked to supply an email address.

Free movie downloads are more common than you think on the Web. You won't find the most recent blockbuster here, but you will find a huge amount of classics, trailers, independent films, documentaries, and more. There are also a lot of illegal, pirated-movie download sites out there that we don't recommend and won't dignify with publishing the names or links of. Some of them are no more than web interfaces for file-sharing technologies like Bittorrent. When a site claims "all free" movies (which they make you pay a site subscription for), you can bet it's one of these.

The legal movie sites claim to take the trip to the video store or that wait for mail from Netflix out of your home theater viewings. Is the convenience worth it? What do you gain and what do you lose when switching to internet-delivered entertainment?,1697,2078459,00.asp

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